Fra.Bo, nacida en 1969 en Bordolano (CR), en 2022 se fusionó corporativamente en Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi S.p.A. Un ejemplo tangible de su capacidad de innovación es la línea FRABOPRESS KOMBI, la gama única de racores a presión con una junta adecuada para agua y gas que le ha permitido introducirse con éxito en el mercado internacional y que ha sido el primero de varias series de sistemas a presión diseñados, desarrollados y fabricados en Italia.
Para Fra.Bo, la calidad es la suma de muchos aspectos: la elección de los proveedores, los materiales seleccionados, los procesos de producción, la eficiencia de la logística, el servicio y el entorno de trabajo. Con la finalidad de alcanzar los estándares fijados, la producción se somete a continuos test y pruebas, tanto internas como por parte de organismos de control externo. La calidad en Rubinetterie Bresciane también es sinónimo de sostenibilidad: las instalaciones también se alimentan con energía fotovoltaica producida por los paneles instalados en toda la superficie disponible. El reciclaje y la adecuada gestión de los residuos también son fundamentales para garantizar que los desechos se reduzcan a cero. Gracias a este compromiso, Rubinetterie Bresciane ha sido capaz de conseguir la certificación ISO 9001 ISO 45001 y ISO 50001.
Nacida como negocio familiar, pero crecida con una sólida base empresarial, Fra.Bo ha conservado a lo largo del tiempo los valores que hacen que los empleados formen parte de una familia. En el interior de la empresa, cada uno aporta sus competencias personales y profesionales, que son indispensables en un mercado que presenta retos globales a diario.
Únete a nuestro equipo, presenta tu candidatura haciendo clic aquí.
On Monday, December 16th, Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi participated in the traditional scholarship award ceremony for the 2023-2024 academic year. Nearly 160 deserving students, from high schools and universities, took part in the event, receiving recognition for their outstanding achievements. The awards, established by the Industrial Association of the Province of Cremona and numerous entrepreneurs and private individuals in honor of their companies and loved ones, represent an acknowledgment of the commitment and talent of future workers.
The ceremony took place at Teatro Ponchielli, which was fully booked for the occasion. It celebrated not only academic merit but also the value of corporate culture. Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi, as a local company, contributed to the scholarships, demonstrating its commitment to the development and growth of young talent.
In addition to the award ceremony for the children of employees of associated companies, the event provided important points for reflection on the significance of new generations in the workforce, highlighting the strong bond between businesses and the local community and underscoring the role of companies in promoting the education and training of young people.
The fourth screening project, this year focused on the prevention of thyroid pathologies, was launched in October in collaboration with Fondazione ANT Italia ONLUS.
All employees of the group's companies were offered the opportunity to participate in medical check-ups completely free of charge.
The examinations, aimed at the early diagnosis of possible thyroid disorders, took place at the company infirmaries and, where these were not present, thanks to the mobile clinic purchased with the contribution of several companies, including Bonomi Group.
Over 500 employees took part in the initiative, underlining the importance of prevention as an integral part of the group's approach to health protection.
Each prevention project represents a fundamental part of the company's strategy, which aims to guarantee healthy working environments and promote employees' physical and mental well-being, with constant attention to their health and quality of life.